Home > SURFACE > how to access Desktop for DefaultSurface user

how to access Desktop for DefaultSurface user

When debugging an application in SurfaceMode , I often need to check some parameters or define some settings in this environnement but then how to do that. I have notice that the question was coming often and this post describe the steps to do so.

SurfaceMode is a spécific profile under wich Surface application will all run and user has the minimum priviledge under such profile configuration. In certain circomstance you might found the need needed to set some parameters for such profile, like printer setting…

To do so proceed as follow:

  • Start the Surface mode and do not omit the check mark with the debug option set ( without this option you will be not able to access other ressources)
  • Bring to view the Task Manager by using CTRL-ALT-DEL key combination or short cut CTRL-SHIFT-ESC
  • End the following process in the describe order :
    • Surface Loader
    • Surface Shell
    • Attract
  • Once process above have been shutdown, then click on File->New Task and start Explorer

You are now on the Desktop of the Surface user profile

Hope it helps

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